
Alfred SAWYER {M} = Margaret Rodgie STEWART {F}

Married 1 January 1885, Georgetown,Chateauguay,Quebec,Canada1


Born 8 February 1861, England
Died 19 March 1921
death date may be: 29 Jan 1939, Central Butte, Saskatchewan, Canada

Margaret Rodgie

Alias Margaret Rodgi ? SAWYER (1 January 1885)
Born 28 June 1852, Howick,Co of Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada2
Christened 17 October 1852, Presbyterian Church of Canada at the English River, Quebec3
Died 31 January 1932, Saskatchewan, Canada4


Mary Ellen {F}

Born 29 September 1887, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada5


1891 Canada Census, Selkirk Manitoba
                                             age birth occupation
Sawyer, Alfred head 30 England baker
            , Margaret wife 38 Quebec
            , Mary E. daughter 3 Manitoba

1916 Praire provinces Census, Swift Current Saskatchewan
Sawyer, Alfred head 55
             , Margaret wife 66
             , Mary Ellen daughter 28

1921 Canada Census, Swift Current Saskatchewan
                                             age birth occupation
Sawyer, Alfred head 60 England farmer
            , Margaret wife 67 Quebec
            , Mary daughter 34 Manitoba

1926 Praire provinces Census, Moosejaw, Saskatchewan
Sawyer, Alfred head 65
             , Margaret wife 72
             , Mary Ellen daughter 34

Sawyer, Alfred and family
Sawyer, Alfred and family


1 : "Southwestern Quebec Genealogical Resources"; Primary evidence
Source: 11.0247 Event: Marriage
Given: Alfred Surname: Sawyer
Father: William
Spouse: Stewart, Margaret
Occupation: baker
Residence: Howick
BrideResidence: Fertile Creek
Marriage: 1885-01-01
Notes: daughter of Stewart, William, farmer; Caldwell, Janet
Witnesses: Duncan, Charles; Stewart, Jessie E.S. (sister);
Church: Presbyterian Congregation of North and South Georgetown and Circuit in connection with the Presbyterian Church in Canada
Minister: James Affleck Fraser McBain

1a: "Sawyer, Alfred - Stewart, Margaret marriage 1885"; Primary evidence

2 : "Stewart, William family bible births"

2a: "Southwestern Quebec Church records"; Primary evidence
Source: 66.0081 Event: Baptism
Given: Margaret Rogi Surname: Stewart
Father: William
Occupation: yeoman
Mother: Caldwell, Janet
Residence: South Georgetown
Birth: 1852-06-29
Baptism: 1852-10-17
Witnesses: Stewart, William; Caldwell, Jannet; Miller, John; Carmichael, James;
Church: Presbyterian Church of Canada at the English River
Minister: William Troup

3 : "Southwestern Quebec Genealogical Resources"
Source: 66.0081 Event: Baptism
Given: Margaret Rogi ? Surname: Stewart
Father: William Occupation: yeoman
Mother: Caldwell, Janet
Residence: South Georgetown
Birth: 1852-06-29
Baptism: 1852-10-17
Witnesses: Stewart, William; Caldwell, Jannet; Miller, John; Carmichael, James;
Church: Presbyterian Church of Canada at the English River
Minister: William Troup

4 : "Stewart, William family bible Deaths"; Primary evidence

5 : "Manitoba Vital Statistics"; Primary evidence
Manitoba Vital Statistics Registration Number:1887,004526