
Joshua (Jr) PETERS {M} = Bertha Louisa KENNEDY1 {F}

Married 1916, Montreal, Quebec, Canada2

Joshua (Jr)

Born 28 October 1892, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada3
Died 12 April 1976, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada4
Buried Mount Pleasent Cemetery, London, Ontario, Canada5
1901 census Westmorland County, NB Shows bdate as 4 Nov 1893 age 7,
Military record show bdate 28 Oct 1892
burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetery and Crematorium London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada PLOT Section 1, Row 29, Stone 20
1916 - at age 23 he enlisted with the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force, 5th Overseas Pioneer Brigade. His next of kin is listed as his wife, Bertha Louisa Peters living at 351 East Avenue, Lockport, New York, USA. His profession is listed as 'overseer of work'.

Peters,Joshua Junior-WW1-1916
Peters,Joshua Junior-WW1-1916

Peters, Charlie and Josh  1896
Peters, Charlie and Josh 1896

Peters, Joshua Jr 1916
Peters, Joshua Jr 1916

Bertha Louisa

Alias Bertha Louisa PETERS
Born 13 April 1890, New York, USA
Died 1958
Buried Mount Pleasent Cemetery, London, Ontario, Canada6
burial: Mount Pleasant Cemetery and Crematorium London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada PLOT Section 1, Row 29, Stone 20

Peters, Bertha (wife of Josh Jr)
Peters, Bertha (wife of Josh Jr)


Jack Boyd {M}

Born 1920
Died 6 August 1921
Buried Kendaia Cemetery,Romulus, Seneca County, New York, USA7
questionaable if child of Josha & Bertha

Betty {F}

Born unkown
Died unkown
1976 Mrs. Betty Clark, living in Apt 1 - 100 Woodlane, Richmond, Ontario, Canada

Peters, Betty and Pat (daughters Josh Jr -Martha)
Peters, Betty and Pat (daughters Josh Jr -Martha)

Peters, Betty and Pat 1935
Peters, Betty and Pat 1935

Pat {F}

Born unkown
Died unkown


1 :

2 : "Drouin Collection"

3 : "Peters, Joshua Jr -WW1-1916"; Primary evidence

4 : "Peters, Joshua death record 1976"; Primary evidence

5 : "Peters, Joshua & Bertha L. gravestone"; Primary evidence

6 : "Peters, Joshua & Bertha L. gravestone"; Primary evidence

7 :